Schedule and Events

Find available options for access to food in Hillsdale County to help those in need.

Needs and How You Can Help

see locations for regular weekly schedules

El Bethel has needs: The next shipment is due on Feb 6th, need strong arms to help move food into pantry.

Share the Wealth has needs; Donations are best to handle needs as they arise. Non-perishable items are always welcome.

King's Kupboard has needs: eggs and toilet paper.

MANY THANKS! to those who helped carry in goods from shipment

Next shipment for King's Kupboard is scheduled for Feb 6th at 9am

About Us

We provide a comprehensive resource to access information about food pantries in Hillsdale County. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has access to the food they need.

vegetable and meat on bowl
vegetable and meat on bowl

Contact Us

Contact us for questions or help or to add an event

grilled meat and vegetable on the table